Moje VMware KB


Correlating VMware product build numbers to versions (1014508)

Troubleshooting – Network:
Using Curl to test port connectivity in VMware vCenter Server Appliance (2097039)


Investigating virtual machine file locks on ESXi/ESX (10051)
Finding the lock owners of a VMDK or file on a VMFS datastore in VMware ESXi 5.5 P05 (2110152)
Troubleshooting NTP on ESX and ESXi 4.x / 5.x / 6.x (1005092)

Netdump / Coredump / Purple Screen
Troubleshooting the ESXi Dump Collector service in VMware vSphere 5.x (2003042)
Configuring the Network Dump Collector service in vSphere 5.x/6.0 (2002954)
Configuring a diagnostic coredump partition on an ESXi 5.x/6.0 host (2004299)
Location of vSphere ESXi Dump Collector log files (2003277)
Collecting diagnostic information from an ESX or ESXi host that experiences a purple diagnostic screen (1004128)
Interpreting an ESX/ESXi host purple diagnostic screen (1004250)
ESX/ESXi host stops responding and displays a purple diagnostic screen (1006791)
Extracting the log file after an ESX or ESXi host fails with a purple screen error (1006796)
Configuring an ESXi/ESX host to capture a VMkernel coredump from a purple diagnostic screen (1000328)
Configuring an ESXi 5.x host to capture a VMkernel coredump from a purple diagnostic screen via the Network Dump Collector (2002955)
ESXi Network Dump Collector in VMware vSphere 5.x/6.0 (1032051)
Network Dump Collector on vSphere ESXi 5.0 is not supported on vDS (2000781)
Requirements for Network Dump Collection from ESXi 5.0 (2004765)
Configuring an ESX/ESXi 3.0-4.1 host to capture a VMkernel coredump from a purple diagnostic screen to a diagnostic partition (2004297)
Configuring ESXi coredump to file instead of partition (2077516)
Extracting a core dump file from the VMKCore diagnostic partition following a purple diagnostic screen error (1002769)
Generating a VMkernel zdump manually from a dump file in ESXi 5.5 (2081902)
Understanding an “Oops” purple diagnostic screen (1006802)
Using the local debugger to review logs after an ESXi host fails with a purple diagnostic screen (2003067)

How To Read Dumps – ESX Crash Dumps That Is – click


Duplicate VTEPs in ESXi hosts after rebooting vCenter Server (2144605)


Configuration Settings For ALUA Devices – click
Pluggable Storage Architecture (PSA) Deep-Dive – Part 1 – click
Pluggable Storage Architecture (PSA) Deep-Dive – Part 2 – click
Changing SATP Claimrules for specific storage configurations – click

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